From inception, Capital Camps has had an abiding commitment to the concept of 'camp for all'. Our Atzma'im (independence) program is designed to provide a meaningful immersive Jewish Camp experience for children with special needs. A shining jewel of our camp program, this fully-inclusive option mainstreams campers into traditional cabins where they receive additional staff support to ensure their success. Our ADA compliant facility provides improves access for those with physical challenges, and our talented supervisory staff guide specially trained counselors to guarantee a superior experience. Visit for more information.
Friendship Circle is an organization with an unique approach to helping children with special needs. Children with special needs often endure loneliness and isolation because of a lack of friends and social opportunities. Our innovative programming is designed to foster enduring and meaningful friendships between teen volunteers and children with special needs in the greater Washington, DC area. Visit for more information.
For over 100 years, the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington has been committed to a single mission: promoting and creating Jewish continuity, identity, and community in an atmosphere of warmth and meaning. The JCCGW was founded on the belief that communities benefit when all people of all ability levels learn, grow and celebrate together. Inclusion of those with disabilities has always been at the forefront of our mission, and has made us an area leader in comprehensive special needs inclusion, from our programming to our facilities. Visit for more information.
The Jewish Foundation for Group Homes is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the independence, dignity, choice, and community inclusion of individuals with disabilities, regardless of faith or creed. JFGH's programs support more than 200 individuals in over 70 sites throughout the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. Support is provided through JFGH's residential, transitioning youth and social programs. Visit for more information.
JSSA has a more than 120 year old history of helping people across the Washington metropolitan area meet emotional, social and physical challenges. A nonsectarian provider, JSSA serves people of all religious backgrounds, races and ethnicities, helping the youngest child to the most fragile senior, from individuals to entire families. Many children, adolescents and adults in our community struggle with a wide range of physical, cognitive, and developmental disabilities. JSSA's team of specially trained clinicians and other professionals are here to help by providing a wide range of mental health, care management, employment and support services for all those in our community with special needs. Visit for more information.
Matan advocates for Jewish students with special needs, empowers their families, and educates Jewish leaders, teachers and communities so that all Jewish children have access to a rich and meaningful Jewish education. Visit for more information.
Sulam's mission is to impart a strong Jewish identity and to ensure every child's right to meaningful participation within the Jewish community. Sulam provides Jewish children with learning differences an individually designed program that reflects "best practice" within a Jewish day school environment. Sulam supports students with a range of mild to moderate learning differences including, but not limited to: Specific learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Twice Exceptional (GT/LD), high functioning autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger's syndrome, and mild to moderate cognitive disabilities (eg. Down syndrome). Visit for more information.